Welcome to LCR Jingles, a young jingle company on a mission to provide the whole world with a new way of radio and TV jingle production! Whether you need a radio or TV jingle, a jingle package, custom jingles, custom music, or a commercial theme, whether you’re looking to promote your brand or your station with a memorable jingle, theme, or music, you’ve come to the right place. We offer you all that, and much, much more, in a cost effective way.
Low Cost Radio Jingles was founded in July 2010 in the wonderful country of Italy. Italy is a country with a long history of beauty and arts; to us, life without arts, and especially life without music, isn’t a life at all. LCR Jingles team consists of passionate and creative composers, arrangers, singers, and other musicians, and we are here to create the beautiful, cool, funny, intriguing, and above all, memorable jingles and music which will reflect your brand, your station, and your vision, make you instantly recognizable, and keep you in everyone’s thoughts.
LCR Jingles works with the state-of-the-art technology, the best professional equipment, and with the big international artists. In other words, no matter how challenging your task is, we’re up to it, and we’d love to do it! LCR Jingles is not a huge company, which means that our expenses are not huge, either. Combined with the high quality equipment, it allows us to offer you excellent service at very reasonable prices.